Art Yards DC has finally kicked off and will be creating the largest murals in Washington DC over the next few weeks. Located on 101 M Street Southeast, each mural will be a whopping 6 stories high.
The first completed piece is a rad collaboration between Jasper Wong and Kelly Towles depicting a dinosaur and a bandit playing cat’s cradle, a classic children’s string based gamed.
Jasper Wong is an artist, illustrator, and curator. He is a man who wears many hats and best known for his art that is a unique clash of Asian-influenced pop culture on paper. Jasper is also the founder of the excellent POW! WOW! Festival.
Kelly Towles is one of Washington, DC’s emerging artists. He depicts people dealing with the society in which they live and the emotional arsenal with which each person is equipped.
Take a closer look after the jump, let us know your thoughts on this mural and stay tuned for more on Art Yards DC as we get more updates and info on the latest pieces.