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Jeff Soto New Mural – Los Angeles, USA

July 25, 2014
1 min read

American artist Jeff Soto recently finished this mural titled The Slauson Owl, for Converse Wall To Wall project. Showing his signature big eyed symmetric owl character, with antler-like eyebrows spreading wide over the hilly landscape, this large piece can be seen on Slauson near Normandie.
The artist who is rarely working public works these days, created this mural about his ancestors due to it’s location. His great grandparents moved to the area in the 1930’s, his grandma lived in a house down the street, and his mom was born a few miles north. With the owl being a symbol of age and experience, a matriarch or patriarch of the family, it’s striking antlers/eyebrows symbolize Soto’s family tree.
Check out more images after the jump, and keep checking back from more fresh and interesting news from the street art scene worldwide.

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