After opening their successful LA debut show, Polish muralists Sainer & Bezt, better known as Etam Cru, recently wrapped up their 1st large mural in the city of angels. Located at corner of 8th and Wall in the downtown LA Flower District, “Mr. Rooster” is now overlooking the LA’s iconic skyline.
In collaboration with Thinkspace gallery and Branded arts, Etam cru spent less than a week working on this 6 storey mural. All freehand like it’s usually the case with Polish artists, they painted this impressive piece showing a boy with a big rooster on his shoulder. Using the position of the building as the setting for their work, the character is looking down the 8th street towards downtown LA.
Check out more detail and work in progress images by Birdman after the jump and stay tuned for more reports from the streets around the world.