BACKW12DS – 12 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition
November 25, 2022
1 min read
Melbourne’s premier urban contemporary art gallery Backwoods welcomes you to celebrate the end of their 12th year in Collingwood, with a group exhibition featuring over 40 Australian and International artists, across multiple mediums of painting, drawing and sculpture. DAVID ‘MEGGS’ HOOKE Over the past 12 years, Backwoods has fostered bold and recognisable voices in contemporary…
“The Riders” by Fintan Magee in Sydney, Australia
September 28, 2021
2 min read
“The Riders” was painted on the Alexandria Hotel in the shadow of the Waterloo Public housing estate. In 2015, the LNP government in NSW marked the building for re-development, leaving many low-income families worried they will be pushed out of the area.   Painted in a bevelled glass technique, the riders appear broken up out…
December 5, 2020
7 min read
“One thing I have learnt is that sometimes life doesn’t have or even need to have greater meaning it is just a series of random events. Sometimes embracing that and working with that is just as fulfilling as finding high concepts or high art or higher meaning.” – Fintan Magee Fintan Magee is…
“Shadow” by Fintan Magee in Newcastle, Australia
October 29, 2020
1 min read
International street artist Fintan Magee just worked on a new piece in Newcastle, Australia for Big Picture Festival. The mural is entitled “Shadow” and is painted alongside a statue of Australia’s first female mayor faces Civic park and the old civic train station in central Newcastle. “Shadow” explores the role of de-industrialisation, isolation, renewal and the new…
Top 15 Children-Themed Murals
October 3, 2020
1 min read
Walk through a world of creativity and imagination as we present to you various murals that revolves around the concept of childhood by celebrated artists. Childhood has been used in street art to evoke a wide array of themes, be it playful or political messages. Scroll down below and explore the innocence and wonder of…
“Two Figures Behind Glass” by Fintan Magee in Ipswich, Australia
September 3, 2020
2 min read
Australian artist Fintan Magee has recently finished another mural in Ipswich, Australia. This work depicts two rail-workers behind beveled glass. The Arctic glass pattern in the painting was common in middle-class Queensland homes in the 1960s and was used in French doors and windows. “Some of my earliest memories of Queensland architecture was my father’s…
Backwoods Gallery First Annual Fundraiser
May 23, 2019
3 min read
Backwoods Gallery is an independently run commercial gallery that began as an Artist Run Initiative in 2010. From humble beginnings as a platform for its artist owners to exhibit artwork of their own, Backwoods has grown to become world recognised, working with the likes of MONA and The Japan Foundation. As a small commercial gallery,…
Fintan Magee in Dubai, UAE
April 14, 2019
1 min read
Aussie Artist Fintan Magee quickly stopped by the Middle-East where he was invited as part of the latest edition of the Dubai Street Museum Festival in the United Arab Emirates. Painting in the beach district of Jumeirah, Fintan worked his way through two large murals which are inspired by the neighborhood. The first one shows…
“Four Men Holding Roman column” by Fintan Magee in Goa, India
January 24, 2019
1 min read
India has more foreign workers than any other country with over 16 million people living and working outside of the country. While many workers contribute to Health, technology, education and other highly skilled service industries many workers end up in low paid, labour intensive jobs in the construction industry. In countries on the Arabian Peninsula…
Fintan Magee & Guido Van Helten in Tehran, Iran
January 11, 2019
2 min read
In November Guido Van Helten and Fintan Magee travelled to Tehran, the capital city of Iran. This was the first time foreign artists had been commissioned to work in the country. The work marks the 50th year anniversary of the opening of the Australian Embassy in Iran and the project unfortunately started on the day…

#Fintan Magee