“Tamarugo II” by INTI in Aalborg, Denmark
June 20, 2024
3 min read
In the heart of Aalborg’s historic workers’ neighborhood, amidst the capricious dance of sun, rain, and Arctic winds, INTI has unveiled his latest masterpiece over twelve days of intense creation. Titled “TAMARUGO II”, this mural stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Atacama Desert’s native Tamarugo tree, a symbol of life and…
Artist Retrospective: INTI
November 18, 2021
3 min read
A visual artist and muralist born in Valparaíso, Chile, INTI creates artworks surly carries out not more than the meaning, he also transmits the warm colours of it. Painting on canvasses, creating sculptures or large murals, his artwork addresses birthplace of the Latin American culture, multiplying it on a global level. INTI, whose name means…
“El TAMARUGO” by INTI in Chile
February 2, 2021
1 min read
Street artist and muralist INTI just worked on a new mural in Chile entitled “El TAMARUGO” for the project “Iquique En Color Es” organized by Nomadesert. The mural features a Tamarugo tree which is a native species from the north of Chile, which manages to survive in one of the most arid places on the…
“Polvere di Stelle” by INTI in Naples, Italy
November 11, 2020
1 min read
Street artist INTI is back with a new mural entitled “Polvere di Stelle” in the Barra neighborhood in Naples. This project was done in collaboration with the Campania region and Jorit Foundation. “Look with the naked eye, without placebos or metaphysical aspirins. Look without dogma, without wanting to rest on great truths. Look without easy answers…
“TAIÑ MAPU” by INTI in Aalborg, Denmark
September 1, 2020
2 min read
Chilean visual artist INTI had recently worked intensely on a new mural in Aalborg, Denmark as part of the 6th edition of the mural project ‘Out in the Open’ by KIRK Gallery. The mural entitled “TAIÑ MAPU / Our Land” is about the relationship between Denmark and Chile and how both countries are very focused at…
“A Pale Blue Dot” by INTI in Grenoble, France
July 22, 2020
2 min read
Visual artist INTI is back with a new mural entitled “A Pale Blue Dot” in Grenoble, France. It features a woman embodying the universe with a small dot in her hands that represents the Earth. This mural was made as part of the Grenoble Street Art Fest. Together with the artwork, INTI left us with a…
November 22, 2019
1 min read
As INTI began this work in collaboration with Galeria Lira, the biggest social mobilization in Chilean history is brewing throughout the country. Both the title and the elements that dress the female figure changed according to the pulse of chaos and civil disobedience that HE experienced during the first days of mobilization, which was followed…
“Soleil” by INTI in Lyon, France
May 16, 2019
1 min read
Our friend INTI just sent us some fresh images from his latest work entitled “Soleil, Blinded By The Light”. Painting on the streets of Lyon in France, the talented muralist once again outdone himself with a beautiful and touching piece of work. INTI has been painting large murals over the world for the past ten…
INTI unveils several new murals in South America
February 11, 2019
2 min read
After some time painting walls outside South America, and in search of a return to his roots in America, INTI has created a series of 4 murals in 4 countries throughout Latin America. A trip looking to portray and learn from the small-profound details of cultural diversity. Confronting issues such as; the environmental impact caused…
“Our North is the South” by INTI in Australia for WonderWalls
May 10, 2017
1 min read
Chilean artist INTI just wrapped up a large mural on the streets of Port Adelaide for the latest edition of the WonderWalls Street Art Festival which was held last month. Entitled “Our North is the South”, INTI created once again a beautiful piece of work featuring one of his signature character blended in a yellow and…
