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Broken Meter Issue 002 Signed By Ben Eine Avialable Now

March 15, 2011
1 min read

Broken Meter Issue 002: Spring 2011 is now available HERE signed by Ben Eine.
Featuring Ben Eine, Barry McGee, Roadsworth, Slinkachu, Hugh Leeman, Geoff Hargadon, Jessica Hess, Brett Amory, Chris Brennan, Space Invader, Dan Witz and Skullphone.
“Broken Meter is a celebration of city life, a visual recording of the activity, movement, and energy of the urban environment. Broken Meter is not gentrification, trash removal, clean swept streets, and flower boxes, but rather the decay, the chipped, flaked, broken aesthetic of our culture. Broken meter is the misspelled sign, the street preacher, the converted U-Haul cardboard trucks, the old ladies and recycled cans and bottles, the graffiti tag, the covered up graffiti tagged, the re-tagging of the original piece, it is the funny face, the sad face, the busted, it is the unexpected, the hopeless, it is both beautiful, and sad, it is the Broken Meter.”
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