VinZ just dropped these sweet new pieces in Valencia, Spain for “Market”, the next chapter in the “Feel Free” project.
Market concept always refers to “Exchange”. In the moment that money comes in contact in that exchange, a series of commercial codes like advertising, sales or luxury appear. When your basic needs are covered, Consumerism starts, unnecessary hoarding of unnecessary items promoted by the Establishment wich target is the individual scale to get better social status.
The “Feel Free” project exposes nudity and sex as a symbol of love and friendship in human relations. Opposite, the use of bodies in “Market” as attractive to consumerism. Material wealth generator of false idols and idolatry.
“Honest Advs.” is a reflection about the use of human body and sexuality within the advertising of major trademarks to sell products that have nothing to do with nudity or sex. Usually don’t show the item, it’s just a body and a brand. –VinZ
Check back with us soon for more by VinZ….