Liqen was recently in the Balkans where he worked on this amazing piece entitled “The Artquero Dream” for the Boombarstick Festival in Vodjnan, Croatia.
This mural is based on the first dream Liqen has in Croatia and as usual with the artist, it’s a colourful mix of surreal elements and characters. (full dream description below)
Get up close and personal with the piece after the jump and then check back with us shortly for more updates from Croatia.
The Dream:
I reveal the exact size of the abstract, the distorted, understanding that this was a meta-organic Màquina clean cuts, made up of a human hand, organs and parts made of a material that had never seen and can not describe, it was highly polished and black parts as obsidian, this machine is mutated through its officers and their daily tasks to the system of life and fertility would work to perfection and in turn create dreams, then I thought it might be a utero, or an egg, do not really know, what I do know is that it was life, and I gathered that will become the way in learning, teaching of nature and pollution, and I can say that in this way is this goalkeeper, who really does not have sex, which is the creation, accompanied by Sirin faces road hazards with skill and their distortions with more distortion, exploring other worlds, dimensions and other ways of life the subconscious.In the mural appears only a small part of this dream, someday when I find the person and when times change’ll finish drawing with all detalle.No’m good at writing and I do not take it seriously, there is something in the language of false. –Liqen