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Os Gemeos Work In Progress – Vancouver, Canada

August 18, 2014
1 min read

Os Gemeos recently arrived to Vancouver where they are currently working on a huge project for Vancouver Biennale. The artist are gonna be painting six gigantic silos that are part of the Ocean Concrete manufacturing and distribution plant on Vancouver’s Granville Island. With the buildings being 70-foot (21 metre) tall the total surface of these 360 degrees sums to over 23,500 square feet (7,162 square metres)!
The project officially begun on Aug 6th with color blocking on the silos, and is planned to end on Sept 7th with official unveiling and public celebration at Granville Island.
With Vancouver Biennale being a non-profit charitable organization, the success of this inspiring project hugely depends on the generosity of supporters worldwide who can donate funds through an Indiegogo crowd sourcing campaign.
Check out more process images after the jump and keep coming back for more updates from this historic art project in Vancouver.

Photographer: roaming-the-planet

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