French artist Brusk from the Da Mental Vaporz crew just wrapped up a brand new piece for Le Mur Saint-Etienne project in France.
Brusk spent his entire childhood with a pencil in hand, aimlessly doodling until discovering graffiti and Hip Hop culture. In a time when Graffiti wasn’t as accepted as nowadays, the young artist had a hard time imposing his views to conservative teachers while studying art.
Present on the international graffiti scene for more than 17 years, Brusk is also one of the pioneers of light graffiti, a quickly emerging discipline combining photography to the ancient art Calligraphy, only with light.
This new piece shows a tagged rhinoceros painted using his always impeccable technique and combined with drips and graffiti elements.
Brusk’s piece will remain on view until May 6th until the next intervention on Le Mur Saint-Etienne.
Pictures by @benrch