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David De La Mano in Civitacampomarano, Italy

April 30, 2016
1 min read

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David De La Mano just sent us some sweet images from his latest art pieces which were just finished in Italy.

Street art was used as a framework to change the landscape of an evocative corner of the Italian region of Molise. Civitacampomarano, a town with just 400 inhabitants, was the setting for the first edition of “CVTà Street Fest”.

The festival ran from Thursday, April 21 until Sunday, April 24. Alice Pasquini acted as the art director for the festival, while Jessica Stewart coordinated the festival and the Pro Loco “Vincenzo Cuoco” of Civitacampomarano acts as the organizer.

Take a look at more images by Alessia di Risio and stick with your friends at StreetArtNews for more updates from the streets of Italy.
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