“Taste” or “В К У С” in Russian is the first big solo mural of Sergey Akramov in his hometown. The piece was created during the Stenograffia Street Art Festival in Yekaterinburg city, Russia.
His work – a conversation about the education of aesthetic taste of the viewer. But the author went a little further than just leaving a pleasant visual image. By drawing, he decided to work on the viewer’s taste buds. The mechanics of ideas is simple: seeing these berries a person begins to feel the taste of cherry.
“I prefer to create a positive, pleasant and colorful works. I love the color. Especially when it comes to this area near the factory, garages, warehouses and other industrial landscape, which we have a lot in our industrial region.
If we talk about the work itself, it is, in essence, is the transfer of impression from the beauty that creates our nature. It is a beautiful combination of colors and shapes that smartly interwoven with each other, as a result we get a pattern.
I like figurative painting mixed with abstraction, thus creating a dynamics, composition and as a result to show my own vision of the environment”
Take a look at more images below while we look forward to see more from Sergey Akramov in the near future.