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“L A N D S C A P E” by Giulio Vesprini in Monte Urano, Italy

April 20, 2021
2 min read

Street artist Guilio Vesprini recently worked on his third playground in Monte Urano, a small city in Marche Hills, Italy. His new work entitled “L A N D S C A P E” is an approach to the upgrading of the small community and the quarter after the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, a trace that seen from the above becomes a characterizing place, recreating a meeting point between culture, sport, nature and people; a popular place for boys and girls who play basketball. With special teamwork and a great common passion for the sport and being together, they redeveloped and saved the space.

With a subtle minimalistic approach, Vesprini focuses on the idea of ‘public space’ and more specifically on spaces where graphic and wall can be united at any given moment: the non-private space and space that is economically uninteresting can become utility space. His artworks are often about contact with architecture and graphic elements.

By applying abstraction, he creates intense personal moments masterfully created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles. His practice provides some graphic tools with a minimalist approach in the world of art: these meticulously planned works resound and resonate with images culled from the fantastical realm of imagination.

Check out below for more images of “L A N D S C A P E”.

Photo Credits
Video and Photo Drone: Giorgio Tortoni
Official Photographer: Alessio Bracalente
Backstage photo: Cecilia Cannella

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