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All street art

“Data Somersault” by Felipe Pantone in Paris

May 22, 2016
1 min read
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Our friend Felipe Pantone just finished a stunning project as part of the ‪LascoProject‬ of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, France.

Pantone’s quest to explore and compound all aspects of dynamism continues with “Data Somersault”. This impressive installation features his signature ultra vibrant colors and high contrast motifs, stretching boldly beyond the boundaries of this concrete church.
Completed in just five days, we love the contrast between Pantone’s work and the raw concrete. The project was curated by Hugo Vitrani and is located inside of a tunnel in the west side of Paris.

Felipe began his art career in southeast spain with graffiti art. From then on he was drawn to the art world and settled in the city of Valencia in Spain where he further developed his skills and distinctive avant-garde graffiti style.

Take a look at more images after the break and keep checking back with us for the latest street art updates.


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