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All street art

1010 in UAE for Dubai Street Museum

December 5, 2016
1 min read
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The Dubai Street Museum launched last week-end in Dubai, UAE as an upcoming open-air museum which will see artworks being created all around the Emirates. This unique project bringing for the first time real Urban Contemporary Art to the Middle-East is made by Brand Dubai and curated by Rom Levy and Sanaz Askari.

1010 was one of the first artist to finished his work for Dubai Street Museum. Using Montana Gold Spray Paint, the Polish-German street artist brought to life one of his unique and always impressive 3D portal taking the form of the UAE’s map. Colors were used in order to link the artwork with the elements of sand and ocean. If you are in the area, you’ll be able to find the piece in the Satwa District on 2nd of December Street.

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