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INTI “Multi Viral” New Mural – Quintanar de la Orden, Spain

April 7, 2014
2 min read

Last seen in Hawaii last February for POW! WOW! (covered), INTI is now back in Europe where he just finished working on this new street art piece of Don Quixote in Quintanar de la Orden, Spain. 1

Last seen in Hawaii last February for POW! WOW! (covered), INTI is now back in Europe where he just finished working on this new piece in Quintanar de la Orden, Spain.
Entitled “Multi Viral”, the Chilean muralist once again dropped a gigantic piece which is now largest Don Quixote image in the world.
Santiago Gonzalez runs the project ‘Construir un lugar mejor sin destruir lo que tenemos’ or ‘Building a better place without destroying that we have’ to regenerate urban landscapes with street art and to give a boost to his region culture attractions.
Make sure to take a peek at more images after the break and then drop your two cents down in the comments section.

Update May 8th – INTI’s Wall being censored:

You’d probably like to know that INTI’s wallpainting has been quite controversial in the little town he’s painted. The major and concilors of the town hall, that is the agents of public institutions, got really angry and rejected the mural when INTI wrote the words 15M on the scarf of his Quixote. There was a lot of tension at the street in that moment. Even a councillor was really aggressive and almost hit one of the cameramen of the project. After a complicated negotiation, finally they accepted to cover the letters with some painting, because otherwise they told that the wall would be painted on white so the mural would be deleted forever. Now they’re not respecting this agreement and they still keep on the idea of erasing Inti’s artwork. Today the major appeared on TV and told that there’s terrorist simbology on the mural. They related it to the FARC guerrilla of Colombia and other violent collectives worldwide, but somehow they didn’t prove it. Indeed that’s not true. Now we’re still fighting in order to preserve this piece. Controversy is on the air… –Santiago González (Organiser)

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