Streetart TV

Borondo “Kouroi”, his newest Animation and Installation in Marina di Camerota, Italy

June 9, 2015
1 min read

While we last heard from him in Segovia, Borondo is now in Italy where he just finished working on a new animation and installation on the streets of Marina Di Camerota.

While we last heard from him in Segovia, Borondo is now in Italy where he just finished working on a new animation and installation on the streets of Marina Di Camerota.
Marina di Camerota is an Italian town, the largest Civil parish of Camerota, situated in the province of Salerno, Campania.
The Spanish artist started by painting several white silhouettes on transparent plexiglass which were then used as frames to create the animation which you can watch below. The animation decomposes the body in different parts, from organic roots to the human body.
Each of these stunning pieces / frames were then used on Marina Di Camerota’s port to create a street installation which will now be enjoyed by the local residents and tourists. Once again Borondo pushes the boundaries of Urban Art with new and refreshing ideas. This was created for Meeting del Mare curated by Antonio Oriente and Simone Pallotta.
Hit the jump for a bunch of exclusive images and keep your eyes peeled on StreetArtNews to be the first to know about the latest updates from the streets.

Pics and video by Fabiano Caputo

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