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“Web 0.0” a project by Biancoshock in Civitacampomarano, Italy

April 27, 2016
1 min read


While we last heard from him a few days ago in Belgium, Biancoshock is now in Southern Italy where he just finished working on an awesome new project entitled “Web 0.0”.

The project was created for CVTA’ Festival in the city of Civitacampomarano, a tiny village in the province of Campobasso with just 400 habitants of which are mainly elderly.
In this tiny town, Internet is partially inexistent: mobile phones have difficulty to work and the data connection is very very rare.

The provocative idea behind this project was to show that these virtual functions and apps, considered by the vast majority of the population as necessary and essential to everyday life, also exist where internet doesn’t “exist”. This is a kind of “Real Internet” which is able to demonstrate that in traditions and popular culture these interactions have always existed and have allowed people and families to have cultural exchanges, meetings and more.
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