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“Le plan sur la gommette” Exhibition by Ella & Pitr in Paris

June 20, 2020
2 min read

Artistic duo Ella & Pitr is back with their latest exhibition “Le plan sur la gommette” that runs from June 9th to July 4th, 2020. This exhibition will feature the 70 works they prepared during one year. Through a series of artworks painted in sandpits and then destroyed with explosives, Ella & Pitr give back its place to one of Graffiti’s and Urban Art’s original and constitutive elements: the ephemeral. 

Known and beloved in the street artist scene for many years, Ella & Pitr stand out from their peers thanks to their ever surprising creativity that can be seen both through in their use of various mediums and In Situ interventions choices. Regardless of their chosen means of operation, Ella & Pitr’s artworks are all connected thanks to what they carry intrinsically, beyond their aesthetics : their poetry, their narration, the staging of their characters and the constant search for comedy even if it is black or absurd.

Take a look below for more images of their exhibition and their recent works in Paris’ streets & subway.

Below is a big wall (15 x 3 meters) painted a few meters away from the gallery. It is the only wall in the 8th district of Paris (which is Paris’ business area). And it also is the first wall they paint representing fabric and not characters

The following are their works in the Parisian subways  (2 x 2 meters, 3 x 4 meters for the stations like Saint-Augustin, Père Lachaise…).

Below are shots of an illegal advertising campaign spread in Paris. Around 2,000 posters  werepasted all over the capital.

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