Lu Yorlano and El Lolo in Córdoba, Argentina
December 27, 2017
1 min read
Our good friend Lu Yorlano has just sent in some pictures of her latest collaboration work in Córdoba with her colleague El Lolo. They have been painting murals together with their collective project called “Sapo Rojo“, but until now they haven’t shared a wall to paint on! El Lolo and I have been painting some collective…
Lu Yorlano in Mendoza, Argentina
October 9, 2017
1 min read
It seems that Lu Yorlano is the most active artist in Argentina right now by participating in almost every festival happening. This time, Lu was invited for “IX Encuentro de Muralismo y Arte Público de Godoy Cruz” (Mural and Public Art) festival in Godoy Cruz, Mendoza together with around 70 other artists from Latin America and…
Lu Yorlano and El Lolo in San Juan, Argentina
September 29, 2017
1 min read
Lu Yorlano has just sent in some pictures of her latest work in Argentina, but this time – it’s coming from the streets of San Juan for a mural festival called “Maaanso”. It took the artist three days to paint on a massive 27 metre long wall located at the back of a local cemetery entrance.…
Lu Yorlano in Córdoba, Argentina
July 21, 2017
1 min read
Up and coming visual artist by the name of Lu Yorlano has just sent in some pictures of her latest works from the streets of Argentina. Being in constant in constant research, learning and reinvention and main inspiration being mother nature, with its patterns, unique beauty and power Lu has transformed multiple walls, rooms, stairways into…

#Lu Yorlano