Constantly travelling around the globe, Axel Void is now in Mexico where he just finished working on this new piece entitled “Nada” (nothing) in Oaxaca.
This train was painted in the “Museo del Ferroviario” in Oaxaca. It’s an old train station abandoned 10 years ago. The people that worked in the train station built their houses and have grown a big community in this area.
The painting was taken from an image of an immigrant that was assaulted when travelling on “La Bestia” (The Beast). This is the name for several cargo trains that immigrants use to cross from the south to the north of México, with the intention of crossing the border to the United States. Its possible that this same wagon from the N de M Company was part of “La Bestia”.
I was raised in Andalucia; from my house you could see Morocco. Africans, specially Moroccans, try to cross to Spain, in search for a better life. Andalucia is the poorest region in Spain and it’s people migrate to Madrid searching to better their lives and then Spaniards , being among the poorest of the European countries, migrate to Germany in search for something better. I believe this is part of human psyche- this desire to see the grass always greener on the other side.
I currently reside in Miami. I complain about how frivolous and culturally poor this city shows itself. Coming to Mexico, I have empathised with the sense of community and richer quality of life here, similar to the one where I was raised, regardless of the lesser commodities or resources. The grass is just different on the other side. — Axel Void
Hit the jump for more images on “Nada” and as usual check back in with us soon for more mural updates from Mexico.