All street art

“Efêmero” by Os Gemeos in Milan, Italy

April 12, 2016
2 min read


Pirelli HangarBicocca in Milano just unveiled a brand new public mural entitled “Efêmero” the first large-scale street art piece in Italy by Os Gemeos.

The twin Brazilian brothers spent a few days working on this insanely large and impressive mural showing one of their signature graffiti characters hanging off the back of a subway car.

Drawing inspiration from the history of the Pirelli HangarBicocca building, where train locomotives were built during the twentieth century, as well as from the close proximity of railway lines running parallel to the site, Efêmero recreates the silhouette of a city train on a monumental scale as it projects itself through the local context along an imaginary voyage.

This piece is part of a new project “Outside the Cube” which will involve from 2016 to 2018 innovative new approaches to art in public space and a rich calendar of parallel events.

Pirelli HangarBicocca, a cultural institution directed by Vicente Todolí and devoted to promoting contemporary art through the exhibitions of international scope presented in its indoor spaces, Navate and Shed, is expanding its borders; for the next three years, it will be dedicating a large outdoor area, some 1000 square meters, to new public art projects.

Hit the jump for a few extra images on this artwork and then make sure to let us know your thoughts down in our comments section.

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Pictures by Walls of Milano and Andrea Concina

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