Japanese street artist Ryo Ogawa better known as Roamcouch spent 7 days working on a brand new mural on the streets of Gifu, Japan. Entitled “Take My Heart”, this piece measuring 5.5 meters (18 feet) high by 27 meters (88 feet) wide was created using stencils and the entire mural was completely hand made.
Take My Heart” is a mural that fuses traditional Japanese culture with graffiti art that I would describe as “New Ukiyo-e*”. This piece comes with the message that in spite of pain, we should go and reach out to someone needs help. I hope that this mural creates the opportunity to revitalize my hometown.
This mural, his largest to date, was for the “Emotional Bridge Project” supported by Kyoshin Construction and MONTANACOLORS. The purpose of it is to revitalize the area of his hometown in Gifu and expand opportunities for the local people, especially kids, to be exposed to art. If you are in Japan, you can find “Take My Heart” on 4 chome, Ono, Ogaki-shi, Gifu, Japan.
*Ukiyo-e is a genre of Japanese art depicting subjects from everyday life that flourished from the 17th to the 19th century.