Artistic duo Snik is back with a new mural entitled “Transcend” for Cheltenham Paint Festival in Gloucestershire, England. The artwork features their signature stencil technique. As stencil artists, they are traditionalists. Where others have moved on to the digital techniques, using laser cutting and computers to support their work, SNIK have remained true to the origins of their craft. They still painstakingly hand cut their complex multi-layered stencils.
Nik Ellis and Laura Perrett the artists behind Snik are based in Stamford, UK. They have been working across the globe for over a decade, perfecting their skills to become one of the most progressive artists of their kind.
Snik’s bold aesthetic is characterized by frozen scenes of dynamic action. Their work focuses on the ordinary, such as tangled strands of hair or the folds and textures of fabrics. These subtle aspects are elevated to hint to a deeper meaning. A meaning that remains elusive, for the viewer to draw their own meaning from.
Check out below for more images of the stunning mural.