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“Kit de Secours” by Leon Keer in Plougasnou, France

June 28, 2021
1 min read

World-renowned 3D artist Leon Keer is back with another stunning anamorphic mural in Plougasnou, France. Entitled “Kit de Secours” the latest mural is located in Plougasnou, France, in a nearby beach setting. The project is a collaboration of Leon Keer with MX Arts Tour Festival.

Leon Keer is one of the world’s foremost artists in 3D Street Art, the master of optical illusion. A message seems to be present in his work. Current issues are reviewed, such as environmental concerns and the livability of this world. Leon Keer is constantly aware of the playfulness and beauty versus the degradation around him, a contrast that he expresses and amplifies in his work and which he uses as a metaphor for life.

His paintings reflect his thoughts, confronting the viewer with the diseased spirit of our times, visible decay counter-pointing a timeless longing for unspoiled beauty.

This June, Leon Keer also opened a show in Amsterdam. Solo exhibition ‘Forced Perspective’ displays a colourful selection of the artists’ new paintings, sculptures, installations, anamorphic artworks and Augmented Reality (AR).

Hit the jump for more images of  “Kit de Secours” in France.

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