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“It can’t rain all the time” by Pejac in Madrid, Spain

April 13, 2020
1 min read

Hard times for street artists because of Covid-19? Maybe it’s true for outdoor interventions, but the creativity of our favorite talents around the world continues to express itself in different forms that have not been explored so far. This is the case of the Spanish artist Pejac, who continues to amaze us even from his studio in the center of Madrid with his latest work entitled “It can’t rain all the time”, a quote taken from the famous film “The Crow”, and it seems well adapted to these times of social distancing.
The figures, acrylic painted directly on the windows of his studio, seem to rain from the sky for an optical effect, protected by vintage gas masks and well spaced from each other as required by current regulations. Once again Pejac confirms his ability to choose surprising places to position his works, and this could certainly be a message on how we can continue to create, unleashing our imagination beyond all constraints.

We look forward to offer you more from Pejac in the near future so stay tuned!

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