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Mural by Henrik Uldalen in Aberdeen, Scotland

July 7, 2021
2 min read

Henrik Uldalen was the second artist to descend on The Granite City for this years Nuart Aberdeen festival, which due to covid restrictions has taken the form of a series of artist in residence projects. The festival has an ongoing series of projects that aims to give everyone a lift – by reconnecting with those spaces and places that have become a part of them.

Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen (1986) is a self-taught artist whose creative production revolves around classic figurative painting, presented in a contemporary manner. Henrik explores the dark sides of life, nihilism, existentialism, longing and loneliness, juxtaposed with fragile beauty. Though a figurative painter, his focus has always been the emotional content rather than narratives. The atmospheres in his work is often presented in a dream or limbo-like state, with elements of surrealism.

The artist’s practice helps him grasp his entity, expressing “I paint because I need to paint. I have always had things in my life that I need to work out, and I’ve found that the best way is to take it out in the studio.”

It’s rare that Henrik works in public space, most of his time being dedicated to his studio practice, but with a background in graffiti, tackling outdoor walls is something he is also comfortable with. This will be his second mural with Nuart having joined us in Stavanger, his mother’s home town, back in 2016.

Check out below for more images of Henrik’s masterpiece.

Photo credits: Clarke Joss|@clarkejossphotography

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