Our good friend Claudio Ethos has just sent us some images of his two new murals in Brazil.
The mural above has been painted in Osasco distric in Sao Paulo. It is for a non profit institution where they operate in this favela area, where crime rate is very high, so the institutions give the locals free classes of sports, arts and healthcare. Claudio was being inspired by people who live there to paint this mural, how people are under a hardcore violance from police and drug cartels. This piece represents the fight and being tired of that fight, and a hug is something you will stop by to comfort yourself, to cry for the ones who passed away and you must keep your mental keys and never give them up.
The other piece (below) is right in Sao Paulo city centre, a small favela build is on the streets for crack addicts, the manicipality started a program called “beauty city”, where they do a social cleaning over Sao Paulo city centre. The artist found this near his place and did the graffiti there.
Take a look at a few extra shots below and check back to Streetartnews for more news from South America.