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All street art

Bosque Del Mar mural by Zosen & Mina Hamada in Veracruz, Mexico

January 10, 2018
1 min read
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Some weeks ago together with the japanese artist Mina Hamada, Zosen had the opportunity to be the first artists to participate in a social project in El Morro Boca del Río,a suburb of Veracruz, Mexico.

Boca del Río is a working class neighborhood close to Veracruz in front of the sea where the neighbours are working hard to build their houses. With the support of the neighbours they painted this ultra colorful mural. Since this had a special connection with locals, they told the artists duo about their reality,their problems, their dreams. They shared everyday’s life, eating picadas or drinking home made limonadas.

During the process of the mural the local government fixed up the street where the cars were running dangerously for the children and installed some lights for the entrance of Boca del Río hood where our mural is located and where used to be so dark at night.
The artists tried to do their best with this piece and help local neighbours.

Bosque Del Mar mural by Zosen & Mina Hamada in Veracruz, Mexico

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