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Twinkle Twinkle Little Guys Art Project by Kila Cheung in Hong Kong

July 20, 2018
1 min read

In Hong Kong, the most common and most neglected light comes from road warning lights. Warning lights are found everywhere in the city where thousand of construction works are in progress every day.

Amber Au and Kila Cheung worked together for the Twinkle Twinkle Little Guys 30 days project in the summer of 2017. Kila a full time artist specialized in painting and sculptures; Amber is working in radio station hosting programs about Arts and Culture and also stories of local people.
They purchased 30 warning lights and started their project. She painted different faces on the lights and then they placed them at different corners of Hong Kong continuously for 30 days, they called the lights Twinkle Twinkle Little Guys.

Each Little Guy has its own personality, representing different Hong Kong people. A truly wonderful story!

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