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WRDSMTH supporting WGA Strike

August 8, 2023
2 min read

In the bustling entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike has become a defining moment in the ongoing struggle for writers’ rights. A city that thrives on creativity and storytelling is facing a significant disruption as writers unite to demand fair treatment, fair wages, and better working conditions. The WGA represents thousands of writers across film, television, and digital media. In recent years, these writers have expressed growing concerns over issues like stagnant wages, long working hours, lack of healthcare benefits, and the ever-increasing demands from studios and production companies. Dissatisfaction reached a boiling point when negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) failed to yield meaningful results. In light of these unresolved concerns, the WGA leadership decided to call for a strike, viewing it as a necessary step to draw attention to the disparities in the industry and press for meaningful change. The writers’ demands encompassed fair compensation, reasonable working hours, and provisions for job security in an evolving entertainment landscape dominated by streaming platforms and digital media.

Public opinion is a critical aspect of any strike, and the WGA has been actively trying to garner support from fans, fellow industry professionals, and the wider public. Social media has played a crucial role in amplifying the writers’ message, with hashtags like #WGAstrike trending on various platforms. Writers have been sharing their personal stories, shedding light on the harsh realities of their profession, and explaining why their demands are justified. WRDSMTH is supporting the @WGAWest / @SAGAftra strike placing some renegade work all around Los Angeles, including Hollywood, Universal City and Culver City. ”The pasteups were done on utility boxes because I noticed a plethora of  “blank” boxes across the street or in close proximity of the picket lines, which makes for A+ placement in support.”
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