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Preview: “CREVE HIVERNALE” Exhibition in Toulouse

December 1, 2015
2 min read
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On 4 -5- 6 December in Toulouse will open an exhibition called ‘CREVE HIVERNALE / COPS31 / MARKER V’. Located in the ‘Frigo’, 378, route de Launaguet, the show explores notions of homelessness and the migrant crisis that has been affecting Europe. The exhibition features a series of live performances, murals, photos, testimonies, dialogue between habitants, in-habitants, the visible and in-visible, installations and interventions.
Participating artists include anonymous artivist < + + , Fred Calmets, A4Putevie, photographer Balint Pörneczi and more…

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To dissolve the incessant influx of refugees in the Calais’ Jungle, French government has been dispatching migrants via private jets to various CRA (retention centers) in France, Toulouse being the largest one (see here).
Photographer Balint Pörneczi, winner of the Zoom 2015 prize at the Salon de la Photo in Paris, has been accompanying and documenting migrants through their journey in Europe.


#CREVE HIVERNALE plays on the term ‘Treve hivernale’ which indicates the temporary period during which housing expulsion notices are suspended in the cold months of winter. ‘Creve’ also means ‘to have a cold’ and /or ‘die’.

#‎MATELAS / Mattress Piece of furniture used by people to lie down, element of comfort, often linked to a bed. Comes from the arab word ‘matrah’ . #‎CABANE / HUT, seasonal housing construction serving as temporary shelter

#‎TULIPE, symbol of capitalism speculation and over consumerism, in reference to the Tulip mania 

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Creve Hivernale - Fred Calmets

Creve Hivernale 07

4–5–6_DECEMBER 2015
From 7pm to Midnight
Le Frigo, 378, route de Launaguet – 31140 Launaguet,
next to Toulouse

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