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“Enduring Spell” by El Mac in San Diego

March 24, 2016
2 min read


El Mac just finished working on yet another stunning piece of work at the University of California in San Diego.

The mural is titled “Enduring Spell” and is located at the interior courtyard of Argo Hall, on UC San Diego’s Revelle College campus.

The name of the college comes from the late oceanographer Roger Revelle, one of the first scientists to study climate change:

The ocean holds me in an enduring spell. Part of the spell comes from mystery – the fourfold mystery of the shoreline, the surface, the horizon, and the timeless motion of the sea. At the horizon, where my line of sight touches the edge of the great globe itself, I watch ships slowly disappear, first the hulls then the tall masts, bound on voyages to unknown ports 10,000 miles away. From beyond the horizon come the waves that break rhythmically on the beach, sounding now loud, now soft, as they did long before I was born and as they will in the far future. The restless, ever-changing ocean is timeless on the scale of my life, and this also is a mystery.
– Roger Revelle, 1969

Continue reading for a closer look at this artwork and as usual check back with us soon for more exciting updates from the streets.

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